Chris J. Korte, B.Ed. - CFP®
Financial PlannerChris focuses on providing complete retirement planning from the ACCUMULATION stage to (and through) the INCOME stage. His specialty is full financial advice, education, and solutions for individuals, families, and business owners. Building relationships is key for Chris, including working directly with a client’s accountant to ensure that the financial plan created integrates seamlessly with the tax advice they are receiving.
A veteran of the financial services industry for over 15 years, Chris’ previous career was as a high school Mathematics teacher and Leadership coach. He shares that invaluable experience with his clients as he works with them in the overall financial planning process, with a view to creating a customized plan that will enable them to achieve their financial goals.
When you meet Chris, you will realize that he is truly a people-person and creates a very relaxed environment for discussion. He particularly enjoys the relationship building aspect of his business and values every client.
Insurance products available through Chris J. Korte.